Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter
of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.
"Culture for Service and Service for Humanity"
Brotherhood ~ Scholarship ~ Service
The Hon. Bro., Dr. Dudley E. Flood of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., speaks to Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter at its rechartering service. Dr. Flood addresses the audience on the foundation objectives of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.
Members of the Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter & the Divine 9 Prepare to Register Voters at Louisburg College.
Members of Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter enjoy fun, food and fellowship at Durham Bulls Game in Durham, NC.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. donates material and financial resources to displaced families in Henderson, NC.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter donates material and financial resources to thirty-seven families seeking permanent housing. The families that comprise men, women and children were evicted from their homes, due to the sale of the building that they resided in. Please help up assist them in finding new accommodations. Your assistance is critical in relocating these families to more permanent housing before they are removed from their temporary dwelling in a local school auditorium. Click the Cash App link below to forward any financial assistance your donation.
Please use Cash App $1914vgfw to support Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter with your contributions, donations and payments for services.
Thank you, participants and supporters of the Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter’s 2024 Scholarship Golf Fundraiser. Your participation has allowed us to continue in our Mission of supporting the educational aspirations of our young adults through scholarships. Congratulation are extended to the trophy winners and the high achievers in each category. Gamma Kappa Sigma also gratefully thanks our generous sponsors, without whom this scholarship tournament would not be possible.
Certificate of Appreciation is presented to Bart and Cindy Cleary (Cindy Cleary not seen), by Fraternity President Bro. Charles Walton on left and Bro. Leroy Anderson on right.
Gamma Kappa Sigma President Receives Trail Blazer Award
Rev. Brother Charles Walton was recently recognized as a “Trailblazer” by the United Shiloh Missionary Baptist Association. Rev Walton serves as the pastor of the Olive Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Littleton NC. He has served in this capacity for thirty-five years. Professionally, he is a retired supervisor of the Warren County Department of Social Services after completing nearly forty years of service as a social worker in Warren and Wake counties.
Over the course of his ministry, he has also served as moderator of the United Shiloh Missionary Baptist Association, Co-Founder of Loaves and Fishes Ministry, Warren County,
Member of Olive Grove School Board, member, General Baptist Convention of North Carolina General Board, and most recently selected to be a member of the Vance County Men’s Shelter
Board of Directors. Rev. Walton is an alumnus of Shaw University and the Shaw University Divinity School.
Rev. Bro. Walton was inducted into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. through the Iota Chapter at Shaw University. He is currently serving his second term as the President of the Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni chapter of the fraternity which serves the North Central region of the state. He has been recognized as a Sigma Icon by the NC State Board of the fraternity and because of his stellar leadership, the chapter was recognized as the 2023/24 North Carolina Alumni Chapter of Year. As a result of his invaluable service to the organization, he has been nominated for Alumni Brother of the Year for the Southeastern region of the fraternity.
Founders Day Sermon ~ January 7th, 2024
Guest Preacher: Bro. Rev. Dr. Dumas A. Harshaw, Jr.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. celebrates Founder's Day 2024
Chapter President Charles Walton introduces the newsletter of Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter to the Honorable Chris Rey, J.D., International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. The Chapter newsletter list the activities and accomplishments of GKS.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, join forces to assist "A lotta Love" women's shelter with donation of sheets, linen and toiletries.
Gifts For Those Who Give
The Salvation Army of Henderson, NC was the recipient of a treasure trove of Christmas gifts donated by the Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. The gifts included toys for children of all ages. The gifts will be distributed by the Salvation Army to individuals and families throughout the gift giving holiday season and beyond.
Seen in photo above from left to right are: Bro. Jonathan Pritchett, Bro. Johnny Williams, Bro. Kelly Woodley, Vice Pres. Bro. Allen Simmons, President, Bro. Charles Walton, Bro. William Harris, Treasurer Bro. Armand Hargrove and Bro. Leroy Anderson.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter Recognized as Chapter of the Year
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. are recognized as Chapter of the Year and for participating in the state Service Project by providing over 100 pairs of socks for homeless veterans.
Representing Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter at the State Conference in Durham, NC, are left to right: Bro. Horatio Camerion, Bro Roy Hunt, Chapter President Bro Charles Walton, Bro. Kevin Smith, and Bro. Joshua Alston.
Brothers from Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. attend the State Conference held at Durham Tech on September 9, 2023. President Walton was recognized for excellence in leadership and also received the Sigma Icon Award at the State Conference. The award was presented by the Honorable Brother Kelly Woodly State Director (third from left).
Honorees left to right: Bro. Joshua Alton, Chapter President, Bro Charles Walton, award presenter State Director, the honorable Bro. Kelley Woodley and Bro Kevin Smith.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter Goes Back to School
Members of the Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. prepared West Oxford Elementary School grounds to receive students and staff for new fall semester. On Monday, August 14th, 2023, the men Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni picked upped landscaper tools to give an assist to principal Kellye Walton and the staff of West Oxford Elementary School. Their Mission: prepare the grounds and beautify the facade to receive students the following week. Brothers participating in the landscaping and grounds preparation are from left to right: Bro. Roy Hunt, Bro. Joshua Alton, Bro. William Harris, Chapter Pres. Bro. Charles Walton, Bro. Leroy Anderson and Bro. Kevin Smith.
"Culture for Service and Service for Humanity"
Thank You Lowe's Home Improvement
Jonathan Pritchett, Manager, Lowe’s Home Improvement of Henderson, NC- Bro. Roy Hunt, Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter representative.
Thank you Jonathan Pritchett, Manager of Lowe's Home Improvement in Henderson, NC. Lowe's generous contribution of 75 bags of mulch proved to be invaluable in upscaling the grounds and exterior facilities of West Oxford Elementary School.
In a national show of unity, more than 4000 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. members, their families and supporters converged on the Houston Convention Center in Houston Texas to attend Conclave 2023…See Conclave Gallery
The Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. welcomes their new brethren into the family of "Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service."
Fraternity Inductees left to right are: Brother Roy Hunt, Brother Kevin Smith, Brother Joshua Alston and Brother Leroy Anderson.
The Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter presents custom-made fraternity cake to welcome new members as they take on the mantle of, "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity."
Members of the Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority show their support for the new inductees; "The Legacy Continues."
The Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. solutes, "Brothers in Business".
The Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter, celebrates and supports its Bro. Armand Hargrove. Brother Hargrove is the owner, operator of SPOONFUL SUNDAYS Italian Ice Company, the best tasting ices in the region. Please show him your support when you are in the Henderson, NC, area.
Chapter Vice Pres., Bro. Allen Simmons, left, gives the fraternity sign of approval as he samples the most delicious Italian Ice to be found anywhere at any price. Owner of Spoonful Sundays, and Chapter Treasurer, Armand Hargrove, seconds that endorsement.
Chapter Pres., Bro. Charles Walton, left, stopped by to treat himself to the legendary Spoonful Sundays Ices. He encourages residents and visitors alike to let their taste buds feast on the most epic Italian Ice experience in the region.
Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter provides Help for the Homeless
As one of our spring service projects, we decided to donate clothing and hygiene products to the Henderson Vance Men’s Shelter. Our catchment area is unique in that we have a homeless shelter dedicated to housing men. To assist the residents, we donated clothing, hygiene products and other items. Bro. Christopher Anderson, Esq., represented the chapter, and presented our donation to the shelter. The staff and residents expressed appreciation for our gift and look forward to our continued partnership.
GAMMA KAPPA SIGMA CHAPTER President Bro. Charles Walton and Chapter Treasurer Bro. Amand Hargrove attend the Annual Southeastern Regional Leadership Conference in Raleigh, NC, on March 24th and 25th.
GAMMA KAPPA SIGMA CHAPTER President Bro. Charles Walton represents the voice of the chapter at the exclusive President's meeting during the Annual Southeastern Regional Leadership Conference.
Brotherhood ~ Scholarship ~ Service
Rechartering of Chapter
“Thank you members and friends for your support of the Rechartering of our Chapter. We look forward to your continued support of our Scholarship Fund.”
Brother Charles E. Walton,
President of Gamma Kappa Sigma Alumni Chapter